ASTM C880 Test Fixture
ASTM C880 covers the procedure for determining the flexural strength of stone by use of a simple beam using quarter-point loading.
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ASTM C880 – Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Dimension Stone
ASTM C880 covers the procedure for determining the flexural strength of stone by use of a simple beam using quarter-point loading.
Stone tests shall be made when pertinent for the situation when the load is perpendicular to the bedding plane and when the load is parallel to the bedding plane.
As required, the flexural tests shall also be conducted under wet conditions.
Significance and Use
This test method is useful in indicating the differences in flexural strength between the various dimension stones. T
his test method also provides one element in comparing stones of the same type.
ASTM C880 / Apparatus
Testing Machine, The quarter-point loading method shall be used in making flexure tests of stone employing bearing blocks which will ensure that forces
applied to the beam will be vertical only and applied without eccentricity.
The apparatus should be capable of maintaining the span length and distances between load-applying blocks and support blocks constant within 60.05 in. [61 mm].
The load should be capable of being applied at a uniform rate and in such a manner as to avoid shock.
Select the sample to represent a true average of the type or grade of stone under consideration and of the quality supplied to the market under the type designation
to be tested.
The sample may be selected by the purchaser or his authorized representative from the quarried stone or taken from the natural ledge and shall be of adequate size
to permit the preparation of the desired number of test specimens.
When perceptible variations occur, the purchaser may select as many samples as are necessary for determining the variations in flexural strength.
Assemble the apparatus and place the specimen on the span supports and adjust the quarter point loading blocks into contact with the specimen.
Referenced Documents
ASTM E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
ASTM C119 Terminology Relating to Dimension Stone
ASTM C1799 Guide to Dimension Stone Test Specimen Sampling and Preparation
*** Before conducting ASTM C880 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.
***PARSROS offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests
that are accurate and repeatable.
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