ASTM D5034 Test Fixture

ASTM D5034 covers the breaking strength and elongation determined by the grab procedure

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ASTM D5034 – Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Textile Fabrics (Grab Test)

ASTM D5034 covers the breaking strength and elongation determined by the grab procedure

This method is applicable to woven, nonwoven and felted fabrics.

It is not recommended for glass or knit fabrics

The grab method is a strength/elongation test in which the central part of the width of a specimen is gripped in the clamp for example- a specimen is 100 mm wide

with a 25 mm clamp placed in the middle of the fabric.

This determines “effective strength and elongation”; that is the strength of the yarns in a specific test width with the assistance of adjacent yarns.

This cannot be used for direct comparison with yarn strength determinations

ASTM D5034  / Summary of Test Method, Significance and Use

A 100 mm wide fabric specimen is mounted centrally in clamps of a tensile tester and a force is applied until specimen rupture

The grab method for the determining the breaking strength and elongation is considered satisfactory for acceptance test

Comparison of results from tensile testers of different operating principles, i.e.

*** Constant Rate of Extension and Constant Rate of Traverse, is not recommended

ASTM D5034  / Apparatus

Tensile testing machine with working range of fabric strengths capable of operating at a speed of 300+ 10mm/min.

Clamps and jaw faces – the front jaw measures 25 + 1 perpendicular to the direction of force application and not less than 25 + 1mm or more than 50 + 1mm

parallel to the direction of force application.

The back jaw shall be at least as large as its mate.

Use of a larger back jaw reduces the problem of front jaw alignment and slippage.

Modified jaw surfaces may be used to minimize slippage.

An indicator for recording force and elongation.

An interfaced computer program from the manufacturer to drive the tester and record results is recommended.

ASTM D5034  / Procedure and Report

Mount the specimen between the top and bottom clamp jaw surfaces.

Adjust the parallel drawn line to the outside of the clamp jaw and close the clamps.

If pretension is required close the top clamp, add the pretension and close the bottom clamp

Mark the specimen at the front inner edge of the jaw and observe during testing to check for slippage

Operate the tester until specimen breaks

Report the average force required to break and elongation at the break for the 5 specimens

*** Before conducting ASTM D5034 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


***PARSROS  offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests

  that are accurate and repeatable.



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