ASTM D5169 Test Fixture

ASTM D5169 measures the shear strength of hook and loop touch (CRE) fasteners using a recording constant rate of extension tensile testing machine.

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ASTM D5169 – Standard Test Method for Shear Strength (Dynamic Method) of Hook and Loop Touch Fasteners


ASTM D5169 measures the shear strength of hook and loop touch (CRE) fasteners using a recording constant rate of extension tensile testing machine.

ASTM D5169 / Significance and Use

This test method gives a measure of a key property of hook and loop touch fasteners which is of interest to users of such devices.

This is a means of determining the resistance to separation when forces are applied parallel to the plane of the fastener.


Roller—consisting of a smooth steel surface, approximately 4 3⁄4 in. (21 mm) in diameter, 2 1⁄4 in. (57 mm) wide, and equipped with a handle, length 4 1⁄8 in.

(105 mm) for propelling the roller back and forth without adding additional weight to the specimen being rolled.

The weight of the roller (including the handle) is 11 lb ±  1⁄4 lb (4994 g ± 114 g).

Testing Machine—A constant rate of extension (CRE) tensile tester shall be used.

The tester shall have two clamps with centers in the same plane, parallel to the direction of the motion of the stressing clamp, and so aligned that they will hold the

specimen ends wholly in the same plane; a means of moving the stressing clamp at a uniform rate of 12.0 in. ⁄ min ± 0.5 in./min (305 mm ⁄min ± 13 mm ⁄min);

an autographic device for recording the maximum load.

The instrument shall be calibrated to an accuracy of 1.0 % of the full scale and the scale range used for the test shall be such that the main test falls within

20 % to 80 % of full range.

Summary of Test Method

An area of hook surface is applied to an area of loop surface with controlled engagement pressure.

This combination is subjected to a dynamic shear force acting parallel to the surfaces of the specimens.

*** Before conducting ASTM D5169 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


***PARSROS  offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests

  that are accurate and repeatable.


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