ASTM D5748 Test Fixture

ASTM D5748 determines the resistance of a stretch wrap film to the penetration of a probe at a standard low rate, a single test velocity.

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ASTM D5748 – Standard Test Method for Protrusion Puncture Resistance of Stretch Wrap Film

ASTM D5748 determines the resistance of a stretch wrap film to the penetration of a probe at a standard low rate, a single test velocity.

Performed at standard conditions, the test method imparts a biaxial stress that is representative of the type of stress encountered in many product

end-use applications.

The maximum force, force at break, penetration distance, and energy to break are determined.

ASTM D5748 / Significance and Use

Puncture resistance is very important in end-use performance of stretch wrap film used in consumer and industrial product applications.

Puncture resistance is a measure of the energy-absorbing ability of a stretch wrap film in resisting a protrusion.

The test method is designed to provide the user with a means of measuring the stretch wrap film’s puncture resistance performance under essentially biaxial

deformation conditions.

A biaxial stress is representative of the type of stress encountered by stretch wrap products in many end-use applications.

Although this test method cannot be expected to duplicate all field experiences, since the rate of speed, weight, and configuration of such destructive forces

vary widely, a generally reliable comparison of samples may be made from the data obtained.

ASTM D5748 / Apparatus

Universal Testing Apparatus.

Integrator and Chart Recorder.

Appropriate Load Cell—The test may be performed using compression or tension load cell.

Probe—A 0.75 in. (19 mm) diameter pear-shaped TFE fluorocarbon coated probe4 , for general application and standard comparison of plastic films and

interlaboratory results.

Specimen Clamping Fixture

Micrometre, conforming to Specification ASTM D2103.

Template, 6 by 6 in. (150 by 150 mm).

Specimen Cutter

*** Before conducting ASTM D5748 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


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