ASTM D7084 Test Fixture

ASTM D7084 covers the determination of bulk crush strength of a bed of formed catalyst particles 1⁄32 to 3⁄16 inch

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ASTM D7084 – Standard Test Method for Determination of Bulk Crush Strength of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers


ASTM D7084 covers the determination of bulk crush strength of a bed of formed catalyst particles 1⁄32 to 3⁄16 in. (0.8 to 4.8 mm) in diameter and is intended to

provide information concerning the ability of the catalyst material to maintain physical integrity.

ASTM D7084  / Significance and Use

This test method is a means of determining the crushing strength of a catalyst in a bed.

Techniques to measure the crushing strength of formed catalyst particles is limited to crushing of individual particles, which may not be related to how the catalyst

will crush in a reactor or bed.

For some catalysts, such as granules, this technique may be the only viable method for obtaining crushing strength.

The production of fines in a reactor is not desired because of the potential of bed compaction and the pressure buildup in the reactor.

ASTM D7084  / Apparatus

Hydraulic Press, capable of 3200 lb (1450 kg) loading, including a force gage.

Maximum load capacity of the press should match with the accuracy measuring the applied force.

Test Cell,

Summary of Test Method

A representative sample is placed in a cylindrical sample holder, which is fitted with a piston.

The piston is allowed to compress the catalyst at a known pressure.

The percent of generated fines is determined by sieving.

*** Before conducting ASTM D7084 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


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  that are accurate and repeatable.


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