ASTM E154 Test Fixture

ASTM E154 covers the determination of the properties of flexible membranes to be used as vapor retarders in contact with earth under concrete slabs, against

walls, or as ground cover in crawl spaces.

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ASTM E154- Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover


ASTM E154 covers the determination of the properties of flexible membranes to be used as vapor retarders in contact with earth under concrete slabs, against

walls, or as ground cover in crawl spaces.

The test methods are applicable primarily to plastic films and other flexible sheets.

The materials are not intended to be subjected to sustained hydrostatic pressure.

The procedures simulate conditions to which vapor retarders may be subjected prior to and during installation, and in service.

ASTM E154  / Significance and Use

In service, vapor retarders may be exposed to a variety of conditions, so no one test will provide evaluations related to performance for all exposures

(refer to Guide ASTM E241 and Practice ASTM C755).

Neither will all test methods listed be necessary in all evaluations for specific exposures

LimitationsPrior to use and in service, vapor retarders may be exposed to a variety of conditions so no one test will provide evaluations related to performance

for all exposures (refer to Guide ASTM E241 and Practice ASTM C755).

Neither will all tests be necessary in all evaluations for specific exposures.

Consequently, the tests and required test results shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier

ASTM E154  / Tensile Strength

Significance and Use—The thin sheet materials that are used as vapor retarders are subjected to several kinds of handling stresses.

Since it is desirable that the material have a tensile strength that will minimize tearing or permanent elongation in normal use, the tensile data may be used to

compare different materials that are being considered for use in specific constructions.

ASTM E154  / Apparatus

Tensile Testing Machine—Constant Rate of Extension equipment meeting the requirements as described in Test Methods ASTM D828 or ASTM D882,

as appropriate for the material being tested.

Resistance to Puncture

Significance and Use

One of the major stresses to which sheet materials used as vapor retarders are subjected is puncture.

These data may be used to evaluate the resistance to one type of puncture force on different materials to be considered for a specific construction.

The falling dart test in the paragraph on Impact Resistance of Specification ASTM D4397 may be used to evaluate puncture resistance of the material.

(See Test Methods ASTM D1709 also.)


A Square Mounting Frame, of wood, metal, or rigid plastic 254 by 254 mm [10 by 10 in.] outside with a 152 by 152 mm [6 by 6 in.] central opening, consisting of

two parts that are held together with eight thumbscrews on each side.

The thickness of wood or plastic shall be 32 mm [11⁄4 in.]; of metal, 10 mm [3⁄8 in.].

The contact areas of each part shall be faced with well-adhered Grade No. 80 sandpaper to prevent slippage of the sheet under test

*** Before conducting ASTM E154 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


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  that are accurate and repeatable.


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