ASTM E1820 – Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness
ASTM E1820 – Measurement of Fracture Toughness
ASTM E1820 – This test method covers procedures and guidelines for the determination of fracture toughness of metallic materials using the following parameters:
K, J, and CTOD (δ). Toughness can be measured in the R-curve format or as a point value.
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- Description
ASTM E1820 – Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness
ASTM E1820 – Measurement of Fracture Toughness
ASTM E1820 – This test method covers procedures and guidelines for the determination of fracture toughness of metallic materials using the following parameters:
K, J, and CTOD (δ). Toughness can be measured in the R-curve format or as a point value.
The fracture toughness determined in accordance with this test method is for the opening mode (Mode I) of loading.
NOTE 1: Until this version, KIc could be evaluated using this test method as well as by using Test Method E399. To avoid duplication, the evaluation of KIc
has beenremoved from this test method and the user is referred to Test Method E399.
The recommended specimens are single-edge bend, [SE(B)], compact, [C(T)], and disk-shaped compact, [DC(T)].
All specimens contain notches that are sharpened with fatigue cracks.
Specimen dimensional (size) requirements vary according to the fracture toughness analysis applied.
The guidelines are established through consideration of material toughness, material flow strength, and the individual qualification requirements of the
toughness value per values sought.
NOTE 2: Other standard methods for the determination of fracture toughness using the parameters K, J, and CTOD are contained in Test Methods E399, E1290,
and E1921.
This test method was developed to provide a common method for determining all applicable toughness parameters from a single test.
*** Before conducting ASTM E1820 it is important to read the entire specification in the relevant ASTM publication.
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Referenced Documents
ASTM Standards
ASTM E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
ASTM E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
ASTM E21 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials
ASTM E23 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
ASTM E399 Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials
ASTM E1290 Test Method for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Fracture Toughness Measurement
ASTM E1823 Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
ASTM E1921 Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
ASTM E1942 Guide for Evaluating Data Acquisition Systems Used in Cyclic Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Testing
ASTM E2298 Test Method for Instrumented Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
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