ASTM F1566 Test Fixture
ASTM F1566 test methods cover recognized methods for testing mattress innersprings, boxsprings, and finished mattresses or mattress sets, or both, to ensure
uniformity of results.
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ASTM F1566 – Standard Test Methods for Evaluation of Innersprings, Boxsprings, Mattresses or Mattress Sets
ASTM F1566 test methods cover recognized methods for testing mattress innersprings, boxsprings, and finished mattresses or mattress sets, or both, to ensure
uniformity of results.
These test methods are applicable to un-upholstered mattress core units including but not limited to innersprings, air chambers, and foam cores, un-upholstered
foundations including but not limited to boxspring and build up foundations, finished foundations and mattress constructions.
Data developed is for comparative analysis with no pass/fail criteria applicable.
The durability test,impact test and firmness retention test/surface deformation require upholstered samples.
Firmness testing may be ran on un-upholstered components, innerspring units
A standardized upholstery package is specified if evaluating a mattress core or un-upholstered foundation.
These test methods are intended to be used on newly manufactured products..
ASTM F1566 / Significance and Use
Two separate test methods are outlined for use in evaluation of
(1) Mattress components, innersprings and boxsprings and
(2) Mattresses and mattress sets.
Component innerspring and boxspring test methods include measurements of firmness, firmness retention, durability, and effect of impact.
Mattress and mattress set test methods include measurements of firmness, firmness retention, durability, effect of impact, and height change.
One or more of the test methods shall be used separately or in combination to provide for appropriate evaluations.
Before testing, condition units for a minimum of 8 h at 23 ± 2.8°C (73.4 ± 5°F), with a relative humidity of 50 ± 5 %, in a flat position.
*** Before conducting ASTM F1566 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.
***PARSROS offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests
that are accurate and repeatable.
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