ISO 13003 – Fatigue Properties Under Cyclic Loading Conditions
This ISO Stanadard defines the general procedures for fatigue testing of fibre-reinforced plastic composites under cyclic loading condition.
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- Description
ISO 13003 – Fatigue Properties Under Cyclic Loading Conditions
ISO 13003 defines the general procedures for fatigue testing of fibre-reinforced plastic composites under cyclic loading condition.
It addresses tension-tension fatigue of fiber reinforced plastic composites with Axial tensile fatigue test or flexural bend test.
ParsRos builds modular testing machines. The plastic fatigue testers that we build can be configured for fatigue testing of plastic.
Systems that fatigue test plastic such as the ones from ParsRos load the plastic specimen with cyclic constant amplitude load while also making accurate measurements
of strain and stress.
*** Before conducting ISO 13003 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.
***PARSROS offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests
that are accurate and repeatable.
Please Contact with our engineers so that we can find and offer Best Universal Tensile Test Machines , Grips , Jaws and Other Accessories for your operations