ISO 3386 – Flexible Cellular Foam Compression Stress-Strain
This ISO standard specifies a method for the determination of the compression stress-strain characteristics of flexible cellular polymeric materials of density greater than
250 kg/(m*m*m).
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- Description
ISO 3386 – Flexible Cellular Foam Compression Stress-Strain
ISO 3386-1 – Lower Density Materials
ISO 3386-1 covers materials with a density up to 250 kg/m3.
It also indicates a method for the calculation of the compression stress value of such materials.
The compression stress/strain characteristic is a measure of the load-bearing properties of the material. Two formulas allow the results to be calculated.
ISO 3386-2 – High Density Materials
ISO 3386-2 specifies a method for the determination of the compression stress-strain characteristics of flexible cellular polymeric materials of density greater than
250 kg/(m*m*m).
The compression stress/strain characteristic is a measure of the load-bearing properties of the material.
*** Before conducting this ISO standard, it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.
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