ASTM F1342 Test Fixture
ASTM F1342 determines the puncture resistance of aprotective clothing material specimen by measuring the force required to cause a pointed puncture probe
to penetrate through the specimen.
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ASTM F1566 Test Fixture
ASTM F1566 test methods cover recognized methods for testing mattress innersprings, boxsprings, and finished mattresses or mattress sets, or both, to ensure
uniformity of results.
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ASTM F1575 Test Fixture
ASTM F1575 covers procedures for determining the bending yield moment of nails when subjected to static loading.
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ASTM F1717 Test Fixture
ASTM F1717 – These test methods cover the materials and methods for the static and fatigue testing of spinal implant assemblies in a vertebrectomy model.
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ASTM F3125 – Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts and Assemblies, Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, and Metric Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength
ASTM F3125 – This specification covers chemical, physical and mechanical requirements for quenched and tempered bolts manufactured from steel and
alloy steel, in inch and metric dimensions, in two strength grades, two… -
ASTM F38 Test Fixture
ASTM F38 provides a means of measuring the amount of creep relaxation of a gasket material at a predetermined time after a compressive stress has been applied.
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ASTM F394 Test Fixture
ASTM F394 covers the determination of the biaxial flexure strength (modulus of rupture) of thin ceramic substrates.
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ASTM F606 Test Fixture
ASTM F606 test methods cover establishment of procedures for conducting tests to determine the mechanical properties of externally and internally threaded
fasteners, washers, direct tension indicators, and rivets.
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